Novels Ready for Publication

Unpublished Novels

I have three ready for review by a willing publisher. On February 1, 2007, I put sample chapters on the web for download.

  • The Hermit of Turkey Hill is a story based upon a friendship, of sorts, that my grandfather — Charlie Milroy — had with a man who was the gentler sort of sociopath. The man lived in Ludlow for 35 years or so and spoke so few words that people weren’t sure where he was from. I changed the name of the town, changed the name of the police chief — my grandfather, and made up a number of characters and little events to flesh out the few facts I knew about this story. Those few facts were the important ones, but good narratives are not made up of only the important events. The little details, which may be in the background, are necessary to make the narrative concrete. Sample chapters maybe be downloaded at The Hermit of Turkey Hill
  • A Man For Every Purpose is a tale of a man who fragments when he is not able to deal with some of the problems in his life. It is told from the point of view of that character. One of my motivations in writing this tale is to show that true and moral fantasy has more to do with human perceptions than with magical events. Nothing impossible occurs in this novel but the telling of the possible events twists them and colors them in strange ways. Sample chapters maybe be downloaded at A Man for Every Purpose
  • Corporate Sex was named Unleashed Desires when I submitted it to publishers and agents about five years ago. It is about the mating rituals and forms of reproduction that take place in the New York City financial districts. Sample chapters may be downloaded at Corporate Sex

I may add information at some time on the various novels I am working on, have partially drafted, or have thoughts about.

I may also add more detailed sheets on each of the books in final draft form, but I’m going to need some time to flesh out this website.

My main email address is loydf at

One Comment on “Novels Ready for Publication”

  1. “A Man for Every Purpose” seems right up my alley.

    You state…”true and moral fantasy has more to do with human perceptions than with magical events.”

    This is the type of theme I have tried to touch on in my writing…among many others.

    “The Hermit of Turkey Hill” sounds as if it is perhaps similar in theme to Patrick McCabe’s recent novel, “Winterwood,” which was fantastic, by the way, though very very very dark.

    Good luck!

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